play together.

This page is dedicated to help you with setting up servers and more.

Set up your own server


Make sure you know how to set up a basic (vanilla) Minecraft server. Here are some good articles about the basics for vanilla: – How To Setup A Minecraft: Java Server

Minecraft Wiki – Tutorials/Setting up a server

YouTube – Minecraft 1.20 Server Tutorial

A main difference between vanilla Minecraft and modded Minecraft is that hosting a server with Beyond Mines requires more memory than a vanilla server. Make sure your server has enough resources (usually 3-8GB, depends on playercount and entity management) before continuing.


Make sure you have the right version of Java installed. A common issue is having 32-bit Java or the wrong Java version for your Minecraft version. All Beyond Mines packs need 64-bit Java. Get the latest Java OpenJDK by Adoptium here:

Eclipse Temurin™ Latest Releases

Make sure to restart your system after installing or changing Java.

Server pack downloads

Server packs

CurseForge Launcher

Here’s how you can download a server pack from the CurseForge Launcher.

Locate your modpack

Locate your modpack

Open the CurseForge Launcher and click on the modpack you want to use.

Download Server Pack

Download Server Pack

To the top right, next to the play button, you'll find the download button for the Server Pack corresponding to your current modpack version.

Open Files page

Open Files page

Navigate to the modpack's website on CurseForge and click on the "Files" tab.

Select Modpack version.

Select Modpack version.

Locate your modpack version, preferably the latest one, and open its page.

Additional files

Additional files

Open the "Additional Files" tab located between the "File Details" and "Changelog" sections.

Download button

Download button

Use the clearly marked download button. Note that the CurseForge install button does not function for server packs.

Server packs

CurseForge Website

Here’s how to download a server pack from the CurseForge website. You can find the links under all projects.

First Time Setup (Windows)

  1. Unzip the downloaded server pack files and open the server pack folder
  2. Right-click the file “start.ps1” and choose “Run with PowerShell.
    • The server will now automatically download necessary library files
    • Once this process is complete, you will be prompted to accept Mojang’s EULA
  3. Type “I agree” and press Enter to accept and continue
  4. If you followed the steps correctly, the server will now load

Port Forwarding

If you want to allow access to the server from the Internet, you’ll need to enable port forwarding to the server from your router. This article on the Minecraft Wiki provides a good starting point, but the exact method will vary depending on your router model. Here are some useful lnks for popular router models:

AVM FRITZ!Box router

NETGEAR router

TP-Link router

ASUS router

Get your own dedicated server.

Bisect Hosting is our trusted server provider. Get a premium server for BM modpacks now, featuring one-click installations, excellent performance, and flexible storage options.

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Instant Multiplayer like Essential


E4MC mod

Exosphere and Revelations II include E4MC, a mod that allows you to temporarily expose a local Minecraft server to the internet without requiring additional port forwarding.

Perfect for a small group of friends who play together or for showcasing your world.

Open to LAN

Open to LAN

Open your singleplayer world and proceed as you normally would with a LAN server.

Open to LAN

Open to LAN

Ensure you set the correct game mode and enable or disable cheats. Do not manually enter a port number, unless specifically instructed to do so.

Share the IP

Share the IP

EM4C will send an IP adress to your game chat. Share this IP with your friends to start playing together.

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