Beyond Mines offers exceptional modpacks for Java players who highly value performance in their gaming experience. The “BM” modpacks combine some of the most popular and widely used mods with carefully selected blends of lesser-known mods, providing unique and enjoyable Minecraft experiences that are sure to impress.
Each modpack is accompanied by a serverpack, allowing you to play alongside your friends in a seamless gaming experience.
The history

beyond mines the modpack
The name Beyond Mines was first used for the original Minecraft 1.12.2 modpack that started it all, designed to enhance the underground experience long before the Caves & Cliffs update was announced.

BM: Reforged
A rework of “Beyond Mines” the modpack for MC1.16.5, combining previously used mods with a better approach. Introduces the custom BM GUI and more unique features.

BM: Addons mod
The first Beyond Mines mod, introducing custom structures, new item tiers, ported cave biomes to 1.16.5, and enhancing the mining experience in BM: Reforged.

Web Redesign
2022 was a quiet year for Beyond Mines, with only a handful of small updates for BM: Reforged. The focus was mainly on developing and presenting the brand.

BM: Revelations
With Revelations, Beyond Mines underwent another Minecraft version jump, reflected in its new name. This modpack introduced features that remain a core part of our modpacks to this day.

BM: Farming mod
BM: Farming was a port of Simple Farming, featuring new dishes, updated textures, and block models. It was later replaced by the original mod once it was also ported.

BM: Ores mod
BM: Ores was Beyond Mines’ take on vanilla Nether ores and stone variants, offering a more refined approach than other mods of its time.

BM: Exosphere
BM: Exosphere was the first modpack to feature sky island world generation. With extensive custom datapacks and performance optimizations, it remains the most stable and unique Beyond Mines modpack to date.

BM: Ore Geodes
BM: Ore Geodes was originally part of the Exosphere modpack before being released as a standalone datapack set. It was the first I made available for other creators, sharing years of learning and experience with the community.

BM: Exosphere Lite
This Lite version was designed for vanilla players seeking a unique experience without complex mods, making it ideal for beginners and larger multiplayer servers.

BM: Falling mod
Designed specifically for Exosphere’s vertical worlds, this mod removes fall damage on certain natural blocks like leaves, or providing a soft landing at the cost of exhaustion. It also enhances fall control, allowing increased speed and creating a high-risk, high-reward mechanic.

BM: Revelations 2
Exosphere attracted a larger player base and accelerated my learning. Building on this experience, Revelations 2 was developed for MC1.20.1 as an alternative, offering more content while featuring a more traditional world generation.

Beyond Mines hub
Revelations 2 Update 0.0.7 introduced the BM: Hub, an in-game community center for players to connect and engage.

Exosphere Anniversary Trailer
Following the success of this trailer, I decided to turn BM from a solo project into a dedicated team, a challenging transition that continues to evolve to this day.

Exosphere Community Edition
A player-driven evolution of the original pack, expanding with many more mods that didn’t fit my original vision or performance goals.

Air Balloons
The first BM Datapack, introducing new structures with loot while maintaining compatibility with most world generation mods.
Get your own dedicated server.
Bisect Hosting is our trusted server provider. Get a premium server for BM modpacks now, featuring one-click installations, excellent performance, and flexible storage options.